




People with dementia are enabled to take part in leisure activities based on individual interest and choice.

The more physically active people are, we know that this has a positive effect on their general health and mental wellbeing. Having access to leisure and physical activities that you may enjoy and wish to continue with will make a difference.
For extra information, evidence and best practice please scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Regional offerings

The Holiday Homes Trust

The Holiday Homes Trust provides the opportunity for every single member of the family to enjoy freedom and life away from the stresses of the home environment.  We believe that holidays are for everyone.
The Holiday Homes Trust is a national charity, dedicated to providing low cost self-catering wheelchair adapted caravan accommodation for families or disabled people with their carers. We cater for people with a disability or special need and low or single-income families.
Our aim is to make a holiday more affordable for anyone whose quality of life is diminished by disability, infirmity or misfortune.
We now have nine caravans at nine well known holiday parks around the UK and over six thousand families have enjoyed holidays with us.
When you e-mail us please provide your name, e-mail address and contact telephone number as well as the date you wish to go away and the holiday parks you are interested in and we will contact you to discuss availability and prices.
Family caravan holidays
Providing the opportunity for every single member of the family or group to enjoy freedom and life away from the home environment.

Referral details

Please contact us to check latest availability. We can always make a provisional booking for you to secure your holiday until we receive your booking form back from you. We can send you a booking form by post or email. You can get in touch with us by post, telephone or e-mail
Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW

Contact phone

020 8433 7290 or 020 8433 7291


Any age

Opening times

Monday to Friday 8.30am - 1.30pm

Follow us on...
Telephone: 0161 770 7777

Greater Manchester's Ageing Hub

Greater Manchester's Ageing Hub aims to improve the lives of older people across the city-region, so that residents are able to contribute to and benefit from sustained prosperity and enjoy a good quality of life.
Working with partners we set up the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub to respond to the opportunities and challenges of an ageing population in our city region, focusing on reducing inequalities and ageing well.

We want to improve the lives of older people in Greater Manchester, so that residents are able to contribute to and benefit from sustained prosperity and enjoy a good quality of life.
Sign up to the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub newsletter for regular information about our work.
Greater Manchester's Ageing Hub

Latest News

Find out the latest news and updates across the Ageing Hub and Age Friendly Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester's Ageing Hub

The Ageing Hub Blog

A new space for the team to keep you updated on what's happening in the world of ageing

Greater Manchester's Ageing Hub

The Ageing In Place Pathfinder

The AIPP is working to make sure older people's voices are heard and valued in the places they live.

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The Ageing Hub Digest

The Ageing Hub Digest sets out our thinking across key areas of activity. Economy and work, housing and planning, transport, culture, age-friendly places and healthy ageing are essential for Ageing well. We hope that by sharing what we are doing in Greater Manchester we will encourage more policy makers, practitioners and citizens to embrace this important agenda.

Read about the Ageing Hub Digest online (Issuu, external site)

Dementia Wellbeing Plan for Greater Manchester; Dementia United

The Greater Manchester dementia wellbeing plan promotes personalised planning conversations with people living with dementia and carers about their needs and wants. The plan ensures an improved standard of care planning for people living with dementia and also facilitates sharing across the system. It will be available as a standardised plan which can be accessed and shared digitally between practitioners; as well as being available from the website for people affected by dementia to be using when having person centred care plan reviews

Greater Sport and Greater Manchester Moving

GreaterSport is a Greater Manchester charity with a clear purpose to Change Lives Together through movement, physical activity and sport. We lead, support and connect people and partners across the system to develop and deliver on the whole system vision and approach to GM Moving in Action.

Health Hub in Greater Manchester

The Greater Manchester Health Hub is here to provide you with tips and tools, from stopping smoking to understanding more about how you're feeling. Find out what works best for you to make the change to a healthier lifestyle and a happier you!

Dementia Awareness Community training package

A dementia diagnosis can bring with it many changes and challenges. But arguably one of the hardest challenges is the isolation that can come with loss of confidence and difficulties accessing community resources; whether that’s accessing a leisure centre for a morning swim, visiting a local art group, or having a nice meal out.

There is growing evidence to suggest that art, music and leisure activities can offer physical and psychological benefits to those living with a dementia and their care partners, benefits which can improve their brain health and help them maintain independence for longer: (

This is why Trafford and Wigan councils have come together with Dementia United and GreaterSport to fund an exciting piece of work which will empower community groups, businesses and leisure providers to support people living with cognitive impairment and dementia in their communities.

Working in partnership, Made by Mortals and Together Dementia Support have developed an immersive training experience co-produced and shaped by people living with dementia and their care partners.

The complete training package can be accessed here: This resource includes an immersive audio experience and PDF training materials. Dementia United are currently seeking expressions of interest from localities who would like to work with us to coordinate a train the trainer package for their communities, this will include a 3 to 4-hour workshop hosted by instructors with significant training and dementia experience and individuals who have lived experience of dementia.


The IDoService project aims to develop a service for people living with mild to moderate dementia. The service will help them to continue to be part of society. You can find more information here:

National offerings

Music for Dementia

Music for Dementia is a national campaign to make music an integral part of dementia care in the UK. They work with more than 200 charities and organisations. The website has resources, links, guidance for health and care staff. They have advice and guidance for people living with dementia in all settings e.g. at home, in a care home.

NICE Dementia Guidance

This guideline brings together all the research and evidence which covers assessment, diagnosis, treatment and support. It is for people at risk of developing dementia, people who are referred for assessment, people living with dementia as well as being for family and friends and health and social care staff and commissioners. It aims to improve care by making recommendations on standards people should expect to receive from their assessment, care and support as well as on training.
We have provided links to the NICE guideline for dementia and a further link is provided to guidance on how to delay or prevent the onset of dementia.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) NG16 (2015) Dementia, disability and frailty in later life – mid-life approaches to delay or prevent onset:
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2019) Dementia: assessment, management and support for people living with dementia and their carers:

Intergenerational Music Making (IMM)

IMM (Intergenerational Music Making) is a national not-for-profit organisation which delivers programmes, training, and campaigning & research to improve the mental and physical wellbeing of the old and the young in communities across the UK, through the power of music.

We work closely with care homes, schools, hospitals, and musicians and creatives, sharing our expertise to deliver and embed a culture of intergenerational practice.

Intergenerational music is all encompassing working with individuals and groups across our communities focussing on bridging the gaps between generations, supporting those living with dementia and their carers. Our work aims to tackle health inequalities and create new spaces where voices can be heard. acknowledged and celebrated. Through music making, song writing, choral singing, art, movement and so much more, we work to provide spaces for people to share their stories, make new connections and adopt creative, accessible ways to support health and wellbeing.


Email: or


The NICE quality statement [QS184] for dementia:
The symptoms of dementia make it harder for a person to take part in activities, to engage socially, to maintain their independence, to communicate effectively, to feel in control and to care for themselves. Providing enjoyable and health-enhancing activities that are suitable for the stage of dementia can help with this. Understanding the activities that a person prefers, and thinks are suitable and helpful, with the input of family and carers if needed, and adapting them to their strengths and needs, will make a person more likely to engage with the activities offered.

Reawakening Integrated: Arts & Heritage:
There is an imperative need that on diagnosis, people affected by dementia must be access to information about a wide portfolio of potential management mechanisms that sit alongside clinical interventions to best manage their on-going journey.

Best Practice Resources

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