




If a person does not qualify for NHS Continuing Healthcare, the NHS may still have a responsibility to contribute to that individual’s health needs – either by directly commissioning services or by part-funding the package of support.

Some people with dementia may be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare and have funding for their social care provided by the NHS. But even if you do not meet the threshold to qualify for NHS continuing healthcare the NHS should still contribute to your health needs, either by commissioning appropriate services or by part-funding support.
For extra information, evidence and best practice please scroll down to the bottom of the page.

National offerings

NHS Continuing Health Care

NHS continuing healthcare is for adults. Children and young people may receive a "continuing care package" if they have needs arising from disability, accident or illness that cannot be met by existing universal or specialist services alone.
The process involved in NHS continuing healthcare assessments can be complex. An organisation called Beacon gives free independent advice on NHS continuing healthcare.
Telephone: Beacon free helpline 0345 548 0300


Healthwatch is your health and social care champion. If you use GPs and hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, care homes or other support services, we want to hear about your experiences. As an independent statutory body, we have the power to make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers listen to your feedback and improve standards of care. Last year we helped nearly a million people like you to have your say and get the information and advice you need.
Telephone: Call: 03000 683 000 between the hours of 08:30 – 17:30 Monday to Friday


National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care: Where a package of support is commissioned or funded by both a local authority and a CCG, this is known as a ‘joint package of care’. If an individual is not eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, the need for care from a registered nurse may need to be determined. An individual is eligible for NHS-funded Nursing Care if:
  • the individual has such a need; AND
  • it is determined that the individual’s overall needs would be most appropriately met in a care home with nursing.

Best Practice Resources

Beacon: The process involved in NHS continuing healthcare assessments can be complex. An organisation called Beacon gives free independent advice on NHS continuing healthcare:

Care to be different: Specialist online information resource all about NHS Continuing Healthcare funding in England:

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