




People living with dementia and their carers have the opportunity to participate in research.

You will be offered the opportunity to find out more about and sign up to Join Dementia Research by Memory Assessment Service staff or by the service which creates and reviews your care plan. They can help you sign up immediately or show you where to find out more information to decide later.

The focus of Joining Dementia Research is to increase the recruitment of volunteers, increase the numbers on the research register, match them to appropriate studies, and increase participation whilst informing volunteers of research opportunities. Anyone, with or without dementia, can register as a volunteer or sign-up for someone else, providing that you have their consent. Signing up is the first step in becoming involved in supporting vital research studies.
For extra information, evidence and best practice please scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Regional offerings

Dementia Wellbeing Plan for Greater Manchester; Dementia United

The Greater Manchester dementia wellbeing plan promotes personalised planning conversations with people living with dementia and carers about their needs and wants. The plan ensures an improved standard of care planning for people living with dementia and also facilitates sharing across the system. It will be available as a standardised plan which can be accessed and shared digitally between practitioners; as well as being available from the website for people affected by dementia to be using when having person centred care plan reviews

Salford Institute for Dementia and Ageing

The Salford Institute for Dementia and Ageing was launched in 2014 as the Salford Institute for Dementia to conduct vital research and community engagement work into living well with dementia. Our work focuses on the challenges faced by people living with dementia and their care partners and seeks to improve their lives in positive and meaningful ways.

Printable Medication Leaflets GMMH

Choice and Medication© Leaflets are designed to help service users, carers and family members understand their medicines better, and to make more informed decisions, best as part of a discussion with a healthcare professional.
Weblink: Printable leaflets:

Dementia Carers Expert Reference Group (DCERG)

Working with Dementia United to ensure the carers voice is central for influencing policy and commissioning for dementia care and support.

Greater Manchester Dementia Research Centre

The Greater Manchester Dementia Research Centre (GMDRC) is Greater Manchester's leading clinical trial unit for the diseases causing dementia.

Health Innovation Manchester

Health Innovation Manchester, an academic health science and innovation system, at the forefront of transforming the health and wellbeing of Greater Manchester’s 2.8 million citizens.
Telephone: 0161 509 3840

DART (Dementia and Ageing Research Team)

The Dementia and Ageing Research Team (DART) conducts research into the everyday experience of people living with dementia and their care partners. We want to find ways to engage those perspectives in transforming, shaping and leading our work:

National offerings

Alzheimer's Research UK

Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK's leading dementia research charity, dedicated to causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure. Backed by our passionate scientists and supporters, we’re challenging the way people think about dementia, uniting the big thinkers in the field and funding the innovative science that will deliver a cure.

Join Dementia Research

Research offers hope. It is only through research that we can understand what causes the disease, develop effective treatments, improve care and hopefully one day find a cure. Their website enables people to register their interest in participating in dementia research as well as seeing what research is available.

Dementia Tip Share

Dementia Tip Share Are A Treasure Chest of Tips: to help you to keep living as well as you can

From people with dementia, for people with dementia

Are you living with a diagnosis of dementia, or think you may have it?

If you want to learn from and share with others ‘in the same boat’, you’re in the right place!
Dementia Tip-Share website is bursting with Tips, work-arounds and short cuts. All from people with dementia themselves. And these will grow and grow.
The website aims to be clear, easy to use, searchable and informative. We’d love you to use it, contribute – and even become a Tip-Sharer yourself!

Ready to get going?

Finding your way around the site…
We have tried to make this website as accessible as possible. You can increase the size of the words, or if you prefer, you can listen instead of reading (click on tabs at top right of any page). To get back to the Home Page, just click on the Back to Home arrow at the top left of the pages, and to get back to the top of the page, just click on the box at the bottom right of the page.

We need to know which Tips people are finding most useful. So, if you like a Tip, please click on the ‘Like this Tip’ icon.

The content of this website is solely and intentionally made up of Tips shared by people with dementia themselves. Innovations in Dementia is not able to take any responsibility for these, or to give ‘professional’ advice, information or sign-posting ourselves.


ARUK, Getting involved in dementia research: "Research offers hope. Thanks to scientific research we understand more about the brain, and the diseases that affect it, than ever before. Scientists have only been able to make this progress because of the thousands of people who have volunteered to take part in dementia research studies. We’ll continue to make faster progress if more people agree to take part."

NHS, Be part of research: You might want to get involved in research to:

  • learn more about a condition that affects you
  • make a difference, by helping to improve treatments and quality of life, now and for future generations
  • support medical research for a particular condition or disease that you care about
  • access new treatments
  • take an active role in your own care.

Best Practice Resources

With its word class universities and research active NHS trusts Greater Manchester is at the forefront of a lot of ground-breaking dementia research. But this work isn't just for scientists, progress couldn't be made without the pioneering involvement of people like you. There are so many ways you can play a part in the battle to beat dementia whether you're living with a diagnosis, caring for someone who is or are just interested in learning more about how the brain works. Join Dementia Research is a national initiative aiming to empower people with and without a dementia diagnosis to take part and to learn more about memory and dementia through research. you can find out more by calling the Alzheimer’s society on: 0333 150 3456, Alzheimer’s Research UK on: 0300 111 5 111 or visiting their website:

For printable materials visit:

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