




People with dementia and their carers are helped to access financial advice and support to claim any financial help they are entitled to.

Being diagnosed with dementia or becoming a carer for somebody living with dementia may come with a financial cost, such as loss of income. There are sources of financial helps available to you, depending on your circumstances. Managing your finances differently may also help with any costs.
You will be provided with information about the financial help available to you and supported to claim that help, if needed. You should also be signposted to independent financial advice to help you manage your finances.
For extra information, evidence and best practice please scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Regional offerings

Housing for People Living With Dementia in Greater Manchester - From Policy to Practice

The report and recommendations within it are part of an extensive period of consultation over the past 18 months and including more than 250 stakeholders across housing, health and social care in Greater Manchester, alongside people with lived experience of dementia, carers and loved ones.

Dementia Carers Expert Reference Group (DCERG)

Working with Dementia United to ensure the carers voice is central for influencing policy and commissioning for dementia care and support.

National offerings

Attendance Allowance

You could get Attendance Allowance to help with personal care because you have a physical or mental disability and you’re aged over State Pension age.
Telephone: 0800 731 0122 (Option 1).

Carers Allowance

The main benefit for carers is called Carer's Allowance and it's worth £67.60 (April 2021 – March 2022) to help you look after someone with substantial caring needs.
Telephone: contact The Carers Allowance Unit on: 0800 731 0297.

Council Tax Discount

To qualify for this discount, all of the following points must apply:
  • The person must have a severe impairment of their memory or dementia which appears to be permanent
  • A registered medical practitioner must confirm this
Telephone: 0800 917 2222
Text phone: 0800 917 7777


Healthwatch is your health and social care champion. If you use GPs and hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, care homes or other support services, we want to hear about your experiences. As an independent statutory body, we have the power to make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers listen to your feedback and improve standards of care. Last year we helped nearly a million people like you to have your say and get the information and advice you need.
Telephone: Call: 03000 683 000 between the hours of 08:30 – 17:30 Monday to Friday


The Care Act declares that local authorities must also help people to benefit from independent financial advice, so they can get support to plan and prepare for the future costs of care.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia 2019 report recognises that people with dementia and their carers often need support to know what financial help they are entitled to, as well as how to make a successful claim. Furthermore, it notes that people with dementia deserve to be assessed by professionals who understand the condition, without having to undergo unnecessary reviews or reassessments.

One of the standards from the Royal College of Psychiatrists MSNAP Standards for Memory Services (2020) states:
The team supports patients to access organisations, with whom they have joint working protocols, which offer:
• Housing support;
• Support with finances, benefits and debt management;
• Social services

Best Practice Resources

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